A witty, awkwardly charming Copywriter from Toronto

“Ellen is as charming in real life as she is on the internet. She’s got that effortlessly dry wit, cheekbones chiselled by the actual gods, and a ‘let’s fucking do this’ kinda energy. The perfect person to problem solve, joke, and hang with - no matter how long it’s been since you’ve seen her.” -Natalie Mathers


Turning abstract thoughts into ads.

Hi there! Thanks for visiting.

I’m an award-winning Copywriter using my creative talents and strategic mind to find solutions that drive business results. My roster of clients includes (but is not limited to) IKEA, McDonald’s, HSBC, Pizza Pizza, Cameo, Mazda, and Sleep Country.

You could say I wear many hats. I look great in hats. If I’m not writing, I’m most likely doing improv, playing soccer, or trying to get my TikTok account off the ground. I’m also chronically online and firmly believe that GIFs can speak louder than words.



  • National Advertising Challenge Silver Winner

  • Young Lions Gold Winner

  • Hermes Creative Awards - Blissed Greeting Cards

  • ADCANN Agency of the Year - Abacus

  • 3x Strategy Magazine Agency of the Year Winner - Cossette

  • Shoppers Innovation Award - Friends Wanted, McDonald’s

  • Getting pretty far in a free throw competition in grade school